so, a lot has happened on the rocket. i did not like the original decks, too flimsy, so i re did them with brass bars for the girders instead, so it is much sturdier. i have also finished the nose cone. the next step will be to do the interiors.
Friday, September 3, 2010
rocket progress
so, a lot has happened on the rocket. i did not like the original decks, too flimsy, so i re did them with brass bars for the girders instead, so it is much sturdier. i have also finished the nose cone. the next step will be to do the interiors.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
so, i have not been doing much in awhile...or have i?...i have. i have been working on designing an atomic rocket! by which i mean designing a model of an atomic rocket. i had gotten fairly far with a particular method, but am unhappy with the results, and am now reconsidering, i may scrap what i have and start over, salvaging whatever i can. here are some progress picks, i love the engine and nozzle a lot, the rest is going to change.
Monday, July 5, 2010
octopus man
title says it all really. it is a man, who is also an octopus, who only has seven arms for some reason....
Monday, March 8, 2010
personal island
so, i saw this amazing drawing and had to make a model of it, by which i mean a model similar to it, because i dont have nearly the skill to reproduce it exactly. i tried a few new things on this project, most notably the materials i made the tree with, though the result is not bad, i shall not be doing them quite that way ever again.....ever.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Miniature painting
so, i have tried my hand at some miniature painting, it started with my painting the miniatures from the board game talisman, but to my surprise i found it fun, and decided to do one just for myself
Sunday, September 27, 2009
greenhouse finished

my greenhouse is finally done, and man was it a pain. the result is indecently fragile, but pretty. anyway, its a greenhouse, with some plants bearing red fruit, possibly tomatoes. i had original intended to do a series of buildings composing a Myst like complex but while doing this project i realized that that to do that i would be forced to recreate certain elements of the original which i now think of as mistakes, like the all too flat tan ground. that being said, i now plan on going in a slightly different direction with my next Myst building. im thinking something more...traditional.

camera prop

so, i had some parts lying around, including a few lenses, so i decided to do a prop camera. i wanted it to appear old, but not unsophisticated, in this regard im quite happy with the design. i started out with a general idea of how it was going to be put together. i knew i wanted it to be more than a simple camera, but also have image viewing, like you find on all digital cameras. im not sure if it could actually be done, but i image a camera that, when taking a photo, produces a slide, which can then be projected onto the piece of glass suspended behind the camera. points if you can guess what video game inspired my design. anyway, i started with a block of wood and a large pvc connector, which together gave the camera its basic shape. the aperture on the front is made using the top of one of those prescription medication bottles (which would allow me to also screw something onto the front, like a telescope....) i used some sheet plastic for the sides, and other odds and ends for everything else. i even had some rubber feet to put on the base of the thing.

Monday, September 14, 2009
myst greenhouse begining
so, i am going to do a series of myst buildings, each being a piece of the whole complex, the next is the least of the remaining buildings, a greenhouse. wont have much time to work for awhile, but here is what i have so far.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
myst building finished

so, its finally done, i will be tinkering around with it some more of course, and taking some scenic photographs when i get a chance, but it is finished nonetheless. so lets take a look, shall we. click on the images to enlarge.

Monday, August 3, 2009
fallout 3 plasma pistol

it is a plasma pistol very much like the one in fallout 3. this is by no means screen accurate, rather it was what i could put together using things i had around the house (yay, first project i didnt spend anything on). i also worked off the concept art as well as the in game model. every thing i have said above are actually excuses to cover up my laziness and lack of skill. still, i had fun making it, and im fairly happy with the result, though its rather fragile (mostly made of hot glue).
this piece consists of bits of nerf guns i cut up and glued together, some sculpting putty for the handle, sheet plastic, brass tubing, an old paint bottle some pvc parts, and an old computer power cable. in case it was not clear, i would love comments, thanks.

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